Audi Leasing in Queens

How We Help You Save While Giving You Incredible Convenience
Most car leasing agencies are set up such that you drive to their place of business, where you’ll find a car lot with a small variety of cars for you to look over and choose from. As you’re checking them out, a salesman will follow you around, likely trying to high-pressure you into signing on the dotted line for a car that may well not be quite suited for your needs and lifestyle.
Things with us are very, very different. First, you don’t have to drive anywhere. Our car lot is a virtual one, all online, just a few mouse clicks away, accessible from the comfort of your own home. Because we’re not limited by a lot size, we can offer you just about any make of model of car you can think of, from Acuras to Volvos and every type of car in between, right down the alphabet. No salesman will follow you around, and you can car shop any time of the day, any day of the week, at your own pace. Bookmark cars that strike your fancy and come back to them later for a closer inspection. Email those cars you like to your family and friends to get their opinions on what sort of car is the right one for you.
And this is where the savings come in: physical car lots cost money. There are the costs of the property itself, property taxes, insurance, utility costs, the payroll costs to make sure that salesman gets paid, etc. We simply don’t have such financial worries, and because our overhead is very low compared to other car companies, we can let you save a bundle.
Great Customer Service
Though you’ll be doing your car shopping on your own, you won’t be helpless if you have any questions! We’re a quick phone call away, ready to answer any questions you might have and to help you in any way we can.
When it comes time to figure out the financing end of things, we’ll be right by your side, making sure you get low interest rates, low monthly payments, and great terms. We’ll even handle most of the paperwork ourselves do you don’t have to.
And you’ll love this: when it comes time for you to drive your new car, you don’t even have to worry about how you’ll go pick it up. We’ll bring it to you – to your home, your office, your best friend’s house, your favorite coffeehouse – anyplace that’s convenient for you.
Contact us!
If you have any questions for us, or if you’re ready to lease, just give us a call at 347-284-6767! We look forward to talking with you – and having the opportunity to prove to you that when it comes to prices, convenience, and service, Queens New York Car Leasing is the best car leasing company around.